Specialist IT programmer

Type of Business: Specialist IT programmer - Click to Apply
Type of Position Needed: Specialist IT programmer
State: MO
Requested Start Date: Immediately
Requested Duration: 6 or 12 months
Number of working hours: 40
Type of payment: Paid
Is Housing Provided? No
Job Position Details: software development on client projects project management system analysis
You can also check the "Internship training USA" programme description. This will answer most of your general questions and explain the application process.
Pre-requisite: 2+ years industry development experience strong knowledge in two or more of the following development platforms: Java and j2ee platform (ejb, jsp, xml, appletsw) Microsoft .net asp php coldfusion ruby on rails strong knowledge in one or more of the following database platforms ms sql 200/2005 mysql oracle postgresql good written and oral skills in English (toefl > 250) confidence to tackle tasks independently and with minimum supervision.