Culinary Intern: Savannah, GA

Type of Business: Culinary Intern: Savannah, GA - Click to Apply
Type of Position Needed: Culinary Intern: Savannah, GA
State: GA
Requested Start Date: 15th July 2010
Requested Duration: 12 months
Type of payment: $10 per hour
Is Housing Provided? Yes, temp
Job Position Details: Intern will be introduced to the culinary basics, cold food production and hot food cooking techniques.

Training will include rotation throughout the kitchen covering all departments as well as learning about kitchen administration and operations.

On-site housing is provided for the first 2 weeks. Candidates will be responsible for the search of their own accommodation for the remainder of the internship.

You can also check the "Internship training USA" programme description. This will answer most of your general questions and explain the application process.
Pre-requisite: Candidates must have an educational background plus professional experience in the culinary arts and excellent English communication skills.