Culinary Intern in Hotel

Type of Business: Culinary Intern in Hotel - Click to Apply
Type of Position Needed: Culinary Intern in Hotel
State: ME
Requested Start Date: 01/05/2010
Requested Duration: 6 months
Type of payment: $9.00 per hour
Job Position Details: Location: Bar Harbor, Maine.
Must bring own Chef's White and provide own non-slip shoes for the kitchen.
Hotel provides housing to J-1 participants at a cost of $85 per week. This includes all utilities. Housing is within walking distance to the hotel and based on 2 candidates sharing a room.

You can also check the "Internship training USA" programme description. This will answer most of your general questions and explain the application process.
Pre-requisite: Good English Speaking Skills required. Must be studying on a culinary degree program / have previous kitchen line cook experience and have solid knife skills. Must be able to perform physically demanding work. Must be able to read English and converse with wait staff.