Marketing/newspaper/music/internet research. CA

Type of Business: Marketing/newspaper/music/internet research. CA - Click to Apply
Type of Position Needed: Marketing/newspaper/music/internet research. CA
State: CA
Requested Start Date: Soon
Requested Duration: 18 months
Number of working hours: 2-20
Type of payment: Unpaid
Is Housing Provided? Yes
Job Position Details: Global and world music.

They are building several marketing/sales teama immediately to work either at home or in their office and they need high energy, positive, outgoing, people who can be involved from 2-20 hours per week. They will be doing Guerilla marketing, psa's broadcast/newspaper campaigns, internet research, telephone contact, administration and database creation/ email lists/writing/generating leads for new marketing solutions. This is an unpaid position.
You can also check the "Internship training USA" programme description. This will answer most of your general questions and explain the application process.