Programming/Coding Trainee. NV

Type of Business: Programming/Coding Trainee. NV - Click to Apply
Type of Position Needed: Programming/Coding Trainee. NV
State: NV
Requested Start Date: As soon as possible
Requested Duration: Up to 18 months
Type of payment: $45,000-$65,000
Is Housing Provided? No
Job Position Details: Trainee will get hands on experience programming and coding video surveillance software. The position is located in Las Vegas, NV in a Video and Software Company.

You can also check the "Internship training USA" programme description. This will answer most of your general questions and explain the application process.
Pre-requisite: Applicants must have at least 2 years of programming experience or study. Must have C Sharp and .NET skills. C+, Java and Video programming is a plus, but not required.